This post will be about a day in the life of me, cause its incredibly exciting (I do wake up happy everyday).
6:30am –the time I usually wake up, from here I cant make any guarantees on how quickly I get out of bed, mom can attest to me calling still in bed and still sleepy.
7:00am –if I running this morning I’ve ate and gotten ready by 7. I’ve been running on a dried out river bed, I cant get myself ever do a “traditional” workout.(this includes inverted push-up, 1-legged squats or step-ups along the way when I get tired).
8:00am- I’m showered feed, and mostly clothed. I’ll usually clean my house or read until I leave for the day.
9:00-10:00am I start my way into town, if im walking this is 45 minutes and a dozen hand slaps, I can’t call the kamba high five a high five, because its so much more.
10am-3:00pm I could be doing anything, but its usually three things; I’m sitting through a CBO meeting, entirely in kamba, waiting for when they ask me questions, conversing with the town and snagging a few Swahili or kamba lessons, or I’m at my supervisors’ house watching his baby chase the chickens naked.
4:00-5:00pm – I might be taking chai at the obama ’coffee’ shop, then heading over to the water kiosk. Our community center has a large water reservoir that collects water from a near town and sells it, very cheap, to the community. I spend a lot of time sitting and watching the community collect their water.
7:00pm- By 7, I’ve finished everything, talked with the men who live on the compound with me and probably about to start dinner. –dinner has been bean/lentils/rice and soy nuggets with vegetables.
The night- ill finished my night reading and then talking a cold shower before bed.
i love to read your posts. today i spent the day working on gutters for the shop, shed and garage. the garage door to the shop broke. tomorrow making mom's rain cup thingie for the gutters on the green house. I love you